In 2014 leadership and results driven innovation was also demanded by the Abbott Government when Gary Hardgrave was appointed by Governor-General the Hon Sir Peter Cosgrove AK to the Vice Regal role of Administrator of the Australian Territory of Norfolk Island. Strong personal resilience and project focus was required to completely reform territory governance and service delivery across all three levels of government.
The Gary Hardgrave Group provides an outcome focused result plus experience as an exceptional communicator with a consultative, collaborative leadership style deploying strong negotiation, problem solving and decision making abilities. A proven ability to develop and implement strategy broadened by internal knowledge of the workings of Government and Non-Government institutions. A confident public speaker and social commentator with strong presentation skills. Ethics and character of the highest calibre are integral to this professional reputation, the Hon. Gary Hardgrave is a qualified and valued member of any Corporate, Not-for-Profit or Government Enterprise Board.
Backed by an impressive resume with over 20 years of government experience across a wide range of industries like community service, migration and settlement services, government health, disability services, education and training services, transport and communication services, plus over 40 years experience in Media, The Gary Hardgrave Group has the knowledge, networks and proficiency to help your business or organisation achieve tangible goals.