
Business Consulting for the Private and Government Sector 

The Gary Hardgrave Group provides strategic business advice, public policy mentoring, and directorial services to business in the private sector and government space. While based in Brisbane and Queensland, we will work with businesses and organisations Australia-wide to elevate your operations, achieve your goals, and optimise your policies.

Gary’s Professional Background

Administrator of Norfolk Island 2014 - 2017 
Company Director (GAICD) - Directorships include:  
Brisbane Airport Corporation  (2008-2010), TAFE Queensland (2012-2014), Gallipoli Research Foundation (1998-2001)
Howard Government Minister 2001-2007
Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs 2001-2004
Minister assisting PM John Howard 2004-2007
Minister for Vocational and Technical  Education 2004-2007 
Australian Parliament MP for Moreton 1996-2007
Media Industry since 1977 - Radio, TV and Print


Backed by his deep understanding of government policy intent and executions, Gary Hardgrave is a qualified company director and is fully equipped to provide strategic business consulting to businesses in all sectors - from managing people, to managing budgets, to managing policies.

Strategic Direction

Your business or organisation will harness full potential by maximising interaction with public policy and government policy. We provide direction on how to grow and achieve goals.

Past Business

Gary Hardgrave has a wealth of experience in industries including: community service, migration and settlement services, government health, disability services, education and training services, transport and communication services.

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